Browsing by Language "Turkish"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
A comparison of the costs, reliability and time of result periods of widely used methods, new molecular methods and MALDI Tof-Ms in the routine diagnosis of Candida strains [Candida Tür Tayininde Rutinde Yaygin Olarak Kullanilan Yöntemlerle Yeni Kullanilmaya Başlayan MALDI TOf-Ms ve Moleküler Yöntemlerin sonuç Verme süreleri, Maliyetleri ve Güvenilirliklerinin Karşilaştirilmasi]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2019)In recent years, the fast and accurate identification of the Candida species is of great importance as the response to antifungal treatment differs among species. Following the treatment of several immunosuppressive diseases, ... -
Determination of drug resistance mutations of NS3 inhibitors in chronic hepatitis c patients infected with genotype [Genotip 1 ile enfekte kronik hepatit C hastalarinda NS3 inhibitörü ilaçlarin direnç mutasyonlarinin belirlenmesi]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2017)Direct-Acting antiviral agents (DAA) such as NS3 protease inhibitors is the first class of drugs used for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) treatment. NS3 inhibitors (PI) with low genetic barrier have been approved to be used in ... -
Dientamoeba fragilis infection in Patients with gastrointestinal system complaints [Gastrointestinal Şikayeti olan hastalarda dientamoeba fragilis enfeksiyonu]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2018)In this study, we aimed to investigate the incidence of Dientamoeba fragilis with different diagnostic methods in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms and determine the sensitivity and specificity of existing diagnostic ... -
Do the rodents have a role in transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Turkey? [Türkiye’de kutanöz leyşmanyaziste kemiricilerin rolü var mı?]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2018)Leishmaniasis is a zoonotic/anthroponotic vector borne parasitic infection which is caused by Leishmania species and transmitted by sand flies (Phlebotomus spp.) The reservoirs of Leishmania species in nature are various ... -
Evaluation of Micafungin Use in Children [Çocuklarda Mikafungin Kullanımının Değerlendirilmesi]
(NLM (Medline), 2020)Micafungin is recommended especially in patients with liver and kidney failure and in the presence of other side effects due to antifungals apart from its known priority indications such as invasive candidiasis. The aim ... -
Experimental and numerical studies on improvement of heat transfer of OLED TVs [OLED TV’lerin ısı transferinin iyileştirilmesi üzerine deneysel ve nümerik çalışmalar]
(Gazi Universitesi Muhendislik-Mimarlik, 2019)In this study, the thermal behaviors of organic light emitting diodes (OLED) televisions are investigated experimentally and numerically. Organic light emitting diodes are very sensitive to temperature. For this reason, ... -
Half bridge LLC resonance converter reliability analysis for OLED TVs [OLED TV için yarim köprü LLC rezonans dönüştürücü güvenilirlik analizi]
(Gazi Universitesi Muhendislik-Mimarlik, 2019)In this study, half-bridge LLC resonant DC-DC converter design was realized for 65 "AMOLED TV. The main objective of the design is to achieve the optimum level of reliability and to reach the appropriate life cycle of MTBF ... -
Imported cutaneous leishmaniasis cases detected in Truck drivers in Hatay [Hatay’da Tır Şoförlerinde saptanan yurt Dışı kaynaklı kutanöz leyşmanyazis olguları]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2018)Leishmaniasis, seen in tropical and subtropical regions, is an infectious disease caused by the protozoan parasite Leishmania species. There are three main forms of leishmaniasis: cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral ... -
Infecting glial cells with antimony resistant Leishmania tropica: A new ex-vivo model [Glia Hücrelerinin Antimona Dirençli Leishmania tropica ile Enfekte Edilmesi: Yeni Bir ex-vivo Modeli]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2018)Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne zoonotic disease that shows different clinical features like cutaneous, mucocutaneous, visceral and viscerotropic forms. The protocols used in the treatment of leishmaniasis are toxic and ... -
Investigation of bacterial and viral etiology in community acquired central nervous system infections with molecular methods [Toplum Kökenli Santral Sinir Sistemi Enfeksiyonlarinda Bakteriyel ve Viral Etiyolojinin Moleküler Yöntemlerle Deǧerlendirilmesi]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2017)In this multicenter prospective cohort study, it was aimed to evaluate the bacterial and viral etiology in community-acquired central nervous system infections by standart bacteriological culture and multiplex polymerase ... -
Investigation of erosive wear behavior of granulated blast furnace slag on hard coated and uncoated steels [Yüksek fırın granüle cürufunun sert kaplama uygulanmış ve uygulanmamış çeliklere karşı erozif aşındırma davranışının incelenmesi]
(Gazi Universitesi Muhendislik-Mimarlik, 2019)One of the biggest problems in industrial plants is wear that directly affects equipment life. In integrated plants such as blast furnaces, many types of wear are encountered, one of which is erosive wear. Slurry erosion ... -
Investigation of in-plane and out-of-plane wall behavior related to lateral loading depending on wall profiles and opening arrangements in Hellenistic Towers [Helenistik kulelerde yanal yüke ilişkin düzlem içi ve düzlem dışı duvar davranışının duvar profilleri ve açıklık düzenlerine bağlı olarak incelenmesi]
(Gazi Universitesi Muhendislik-Mimarlik, 2020)Dry masonry wall profiles constructed without using bonding material between blocks are encountered in different building types dated to Greek, Hellenistic and Roman periods. Depending on development of earthquake experiences, ... -
MASK (Mobile airways sentinel network) in Turkey-the ARIA integrated mobile solution for allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity [Türkiye’de MASK (Mobile airways sentinel network) allerji günlüğü uygulaması: Allerjik rinit ve astımda ARIA ile bütünleşmiş mobil teknoloji kullanımı]
(Ankara University, 2018)mHealth, such as apps running on consumer smart devices is becoming increasingly popular and has the potential to profoundly affect healthcare and health outcomes. Allergic Rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIA) has ... -
Propaganda during the crimean war (1853-1856): Images of the war and the enemies in Russian popular culture [Kırım savaşı (1853-56) döneminde propaganda: Rus popüler kültüründe savaş ve düşman imgesi]
(Ahmet Yesevi University, 2019)Fought among Russia and the Ottoman Empire, France and England, the Crimean War of 1853-56 resulted in the defeat of Russia. Even though Russia had some successes against the Ottoman Empire in the Eastern front, it couldn’t ... -
Rett syndrome and anesthetic management [Rett sendromu ve anestezi yönetimi]
(Anestezi Dergisi, 2017)Rett syndrome is a developmental and neurological disease characterized by defective X and is caused by mutations in the gene MECP2 coded chromosomes. It is a central involvement diesase that starts in the early developmental ... -
Risk of travel associated tuberculosis [Seyahat ile İlişkili Tüberküloz Riski]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2018)Tuberculosis has spread by human movements throughout history. There have been reports indicating tuberculosis transmission on all travel vehicles, including aircrafts, ground vehicles and vessels until today. However, due ... -
Smoking prevalence of elementary school students in Manisa [Manisa ili ilköğretim öğrencilerinde sigara içme prevalansı]
(Ankara University, 2018)Introduction: In this study it is aimed to evaluate the prevalence of smoking, factors affecting smoking status, and the attitudes of the elementary school students towards the smoking prohibition law which was approved ... -
The importance of the contribution of rapid test, serological and molecular methods in the diagnosis of two imported malaria cases with atypical microscopy [Mikroskopide Atipik Gorunumlu Dis Kaynakli Iki Sitma Olgusunda Hizli Test, Serolojik ve Molekuler Yontemlerin Taniya Katkisinin Onemi]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2017)Malaria is a widespread and life-threatening disease in tropical and subtropical regions. In patients with typical clinical symptoms, malaria is considered as a preliminary diagnosis if there is a travel history to ... -
Transfection of Leishmania tropica with green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene and investigation of the in vitro drug effect [Leishmania tropica'nin Yeşil Floresan Protein (gfp) Geni ile Transfeksiyonu ve İn Vitro İlaç Etkisinin Araştirilmasi]
(Ankara Microbiology Society, 2019)Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a parasitic disease transmitted by vector sand flies Phlebotomus and Lutzomyia. This disease is characterized by long time non-healing skin lesions, and caused by Leishmania species. CL is ... -
Vehicle plate tracking system [Araç plaka takip sistemi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)Image processing field has been improved thanks to various technology in recent years. One of them is a very significant program OpenCv technology. OpenCv is an open source coded independent image processing library and ...