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Now showing items 1-20 of 56
5. nesil mobil iletişim teknolojisi ve uluslararası yansımaları
(Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2021-09-01)Bilgisayar ağları bilgisayarların birbiri ile iletişim kurmasını sağlarken aynı zamanda insanların, toplumların ve devletlerin kültürel, ekonomik ve sosyal etkileşimini artırmıştır. Özellikle günümüzde internet olarak ... -
A framework for applying the principles of depth perception to information visualization
(ACM, 2010)During the visualization of 3D content, using the depth cues selectively to support the design goals and enabling a user to perceive the spatial relationships between the objects are important concerns. In this novel ... -
A fully object-space approach for full-reference visual quality assessment of static and animated 3D meshes
(SciTePress, 2019)3D mesh models are exposed to several geometric operations such as simplification and compression. Several metrics for evaluating the perceived quality of 3D meshes have already been developed. However, most of these metrics ... -
A hybrid genetic - Differential evolution algorithm (HybGADE) for a constrained sequencing problem
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-09-28)For researchers, evolutionary algorithms are mostly preferable because of their effectiveness in finding the optimum solutions to many problems. Among these problems, sequencing is one of the most popular. In daily life, ... -
A machine learning framework for full-reference 3D shape quality assessment
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018)To decide whether the perceived quality of a mesh is influenced by a certain modification such as compressionors implification, a metric for estimating the visual quality of 3D meshes is required. Today, machine learning and ... -
A new method for computer-assisted detection, definition and differentiation of the urinary calculi
(Taylor & Francis, 2014-09)Purpose: Urinary stones are common and can be diagnosed with computed tomography (CT) easily. In this study, we aimed to specify the opacity characteristics of various types of calcified foci that develop through the urinary ... -
A perceptual quality metric for dynamic triangle meshes
(Springer International Publishing, 2017)A measure for assessing the quality of a 3D mesh is necessary in order to determine whether an operation on the mesh, such as watermarking or compression, affects the perceived quality. The studies on this field are limited ... -
A semantic web case study: representing the ephesus museum collection using erlangen CRM ontology
(Springer Verlag, 2017-11)Cultural heritage has recently become an important application area for Semantic Web technologies. Semantic Web technologies and ontologies provide a solution for intelligent integration of heterogeneous data about the ... -
A tool for producing structured interoperable datafrom product features on the web
(Pergamnon, 2015)This paper introduces a tool that produces structured interoperable data from product features, i.e., attribute name-value pairs, on the web. The tool extracts the product features using a web site specific template created ... -
Agent-Based modeling and simulation of biological systems
(IntechOpen, 2019)Agent-based modeling and simulation is a powerful technique in simulating and exploring phenomena that includes a large set of active components represented by agents. The agents are actors operating in a real system, ... -
An approach for online weight update using particle swarm optimization in dynamic fuzzy cognitive maps
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-09-20)Fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) is a method to update a given initial vector to obtain the most stable state of a system, using a neighborhood of weights between these vectors and updating it over a series of iterations. FCMs ... -
Asırlık çınar Celal BAYAR
(Berikan Yayınevi, 2022-12) -
Asırlık çınar Celal BAYAR
(Berikan Yayınevi, 2022-12) -
Avrupa Birliği' nin Türkiyeli geleceği umutlar ve korkular
(Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Tic. Ltd. Şti., 2008-03)Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne tam üyelik hedefi, genellikle küreselleşme yönünde yaşanması istenen köklü değişimlerin temel referansı olarak görülmektedir. Dünyanın demokrasi ve refah alanı, ekonomik ve siyasi bütünleşmenin ... -
Buz pateni öğrenenler için hareket algılama tabanlı bir sistem tasarımı
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-05)Bu bildiride buz patenini yeni öğrenmeye başlayanlar için hareket algılama tabanlı, ergonomik, kurulumu basit ve taşınabilir bir sistem tasarımı sunulmaktadır. Sistem kullanıcıların temel kayma tekniklerini doğru bir şekilde ... -
COVİD-19 mücadelesi kapsamında uzaktan eğitim sürecinde engelli öğrencilerin durumu sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri
(Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2020-11-25)İnsanlar doğuştan gelen ya da sonradan maruz kalınan bazı nedenlerden dolayı engelli yani özel gereksinimli olabilmektedir. Engelli bireyler, toplumda diğer bireylerle eşit haklara sahiplerdir. Engellilerin de bu haklardan ... -
Effects of image filters on various image datasets
(ICCTA, 2019-04-16)Image classification is a very common research area, on which researchers work with various classification techniques. The aim of this study is to apply different filters on four different datasets and evaluate their ... -
Electrical analogue of arterial blood pressure signals
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2018)In this study, we propose an electrical circuit model that will be useful for understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics of the human cardiovascular system, which is considered as a complex system in the field of physiology. ... -
Engelsiz bilişim 2019
(Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2019-12-27)Toplam 50 maddeden oluşan ve taraf olan devletlere, engellilere karşı ayrımcılığı ortadan kaldırmak ve onların yaşam standartlarını yükseltmek gibi yükümlülükler getiren BM Engelli Hakları sözleşmesinde: “Fiziksel, sosyal, ... -
Erişilebilir Kütüphaneler : Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri
(Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2022-12-13)