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dc.contributor.authorAk, A.F. and Sari, G. and Akgül, M.B. and Kirişken, B. and Akiş, A.A.
dc.identifier.citationcited By 0
dc.description.abstractAudiovisual feedback generally is used on touch screens on portable electronic devices, which are frequently used in daily life. Tactile feedback is one of the issues that have recently gained importance in this technology. Tactile feedback occurs by stimulating the nerves at the fingertip by moving the touch screen. In this study, we have determined the vibration characteristics of touchscreens made from different materials used in the sector. The finite element method is employed to obtain the vibration modes of the screen. In addition to, the effects of the materials of piezo, applied voltage, the number of the piezo patches are investigated to produce the best vibration function and graphically are presented. © 2017 IEEE.
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
dc.titleNumerical analysis of vibrating touch screen actuated by piezo elements
dc.typeConference Paper
dc.contributor.departmentManisa Celal Bayar University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Manisa, Turkey; Vestel Electronics, Manisa, Turkey

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