Güncel Gönderiler: Araştırma Çıktıları | TR - Dizin
Toplam kayıt 3877, listelenen: 121-140
İçinden Akışkan Geçen Boru Doğal Frekansının Genelleştirilmiş Regresyon Yapay Sinir Ağları Yöntemi İle Tahmini
(2020)Bu çalışmada içinden akışkan geçen silindirik borunun dinamik davranışı farklı mesnet koşulları dikkate alınarakincelenmiştir. Boru Euler-Bernoulli Teorisi kullanılarak modellenmiştir. Dinamik denge altındaki titreşim,ağırlıktan ... -
Bütçe Tutarlılığı ile Politik İstikrarsızlık İlişkisi: Türkiye’de 1984- 2018 Dönemi Analizi
(2020)Bu çalışmada, devlet bütçe gelir ve gider tahminleri ile gerçekleşmeleri arasındaki sapmalardoğrultusunda politik istikrarsızlık ile bütçenin tutarlık ilkesi arasındaki ilişkinin tespiti amaçlanmıştır.Bir başka ifade ile ... -
Yedinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel Okuryazarlık Düzeyi ile Bazı Bilişsel Değişkenler Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi
(2020)Bu çalışmanın amacı, yedinci sınıf öğrencilerinin bilimsel okuryazarlık düzeyleri ile mantıksal düşünme yetenekleri, bilişsel stilleri (alan bağımlı/alan bağımsız), fonksiyonel mental kapasiteleri ve zihinsel döndürme ... -
Estimating Fluid Parameters of Submarine Outfall Using Neural Networks
(2020)Disposal of the urban and industrial liquid waste has become important by paying attention toenvironmental and human health recently. Submarine outfall diffusers are the major parts of the marinedisposal systems. Pipe of ... -
Modification of Coupled Drinfel’d-Sokolov-Wilson Equation and Approximate Solutions by Optimal Perturbation Iteration Method
(2020)We try to find the semi-analytical approximate solutions for the system of partial differential equationsby using a newly developed scheme. The optimal perturbation iteration method is introduced and thenapplied to a newly ... -
Broken Ritualization and the Dynamics of In-betweenness in Matthew Arnold’s “Empedocles on Etna”
(2020)Matthew Arnold’s “Empedocles on Etna” displays paradoxical relations betweenhuman ritualization, myth making, and poetic creation by way of employing Empedocles, a poetphilosopherof historical origins, which Arnold turns ... -
Comparison of prolene and progrip meshes in inguinal hernia repair in terms of post-operative pain, limitation of movement and quality of life
(2020)Objective: The study aimed to compare the techniques applying prolene mesh and progrip-self fixating mesh in terms of post-operative pain, limitation of movement and quality of life.Material and Methods: The study was ... -
Fired Clay Brick or Autoclaved Aerated Concrete as Walling Materials in Terms of Sustainability
(2020)The construction sector is a significant contributor to harmful environmental impacts throughout the entirebuilding life cycle. The fact that a large amount of and a wide range of materials used in constructionmakes their ... -
Temporal Arterit ile İlişkili Arteritik İskemik Optik Nöropati
(2020)Temporal arterit (dev hücreli arterit), çoğunlukla yaşlıları etkileyen, orta-büyük boy damarları tutan granülomatöz vaskülitlekarakterize oto-immun sistemik bir hastalıktır. Klasik sistemik semptomları baş ağrısı, temporal ... -
An experimental and theoretical approach to synthesis of novel indolizine type heterocycles
(2020)Indolizine derivatives are interesting due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well astheir known fluorescent properties. Theoretical studies supported by the experimental evidences can shedlight on ... -
An Optimization Study for Chitosan Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Characterization
(2020)Studies have been carried out to determine the optimum conditions for chitosan nanoparticles. Variousformulations have been made which can affect the size and polydispersity index of the nanoparticles andthe process variables ... -
GMA-Based Emulsion Templated Macroporous Foams: Tailoring the Mechanical Properties by Nanoclay Loading
(2020)Glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) based low density macroporous foams (polyHIPE foams) were synthesizedby high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) templating. Strengthen foams were produced by polymerizing thecontinuous phase of HIPEs ... -
A mini report on palynological and antibacterial tests of four propolis samples from different regional origins
(2020)In this study, palynological and antibacterial tests of propolis samples from Iran-Turan (IP1 and IP2),Mediterranean (MP), and Europe-Siberia (EP) phytogeographical regions were performed. The pollens ofApiaceae, Asteraceae, ... -
Selectively Nanocube Formation of Tungsten Oxide (WO3)
(2020)Metal oxide nanoparticles with tunable size and shape are of significant interest since these features allowtailoring their performance, functionality, and efficiency. Doping of metal oxide nanoparticles with metalcations ... -
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Simulations of the Cooling System in Low Pressure Die Casting
(2020)Low pressure die casting (LPDC) is the preferred method to manufacture cost-effective automotive wheels.Cooling systems and channels of a low pressure die casting are critical to obtain better mechanicalproperties. Both ... -
Effective Reduction of Graphene Oxide via Lactococcus lactis
(2020)In this study, bacteria Lactococcus lactis was employed as a bioreducing agent for ecofriendly andeconomical production of reduced graphene oxide at room temperature. Characterizations haveshowed that highly reduced graphene ... -
Investigation of Lignin as a Textile Fiber
(2020)Lignin is a substance that is in the state of waste in the forest industry and the paper industry, which isvery much in nature after cellulose. It is mentioned in the literature that lignin can be used as raw materialfor ... -
Compare Between the Results of the Casting Simulation and the Results of Experimental Production with Calculating the Interface Heat Transfer Coefficient of the Casting-Mold
(2020)Sanitary tapware that can drain hot and cold water from the plumbing systems in the desired proportions bymixing are called faucet. The production of faucets used today is conducted by using a low-pressure castingmethod. ... -
Comparison of Sucker Rod Pump and Progressive Cavity Pump Performances in Batı Raman Heavy Oil Field of Turkey
(2020)Batı Raman Heavy Oil Field is the largest oil field in Turkey in terms of oil reserve potential. Since 1961,oil production continues in this field. Although mostly sucker rod pumps (SRP) are used in this field toproduce ... -
Comparison of Dose Distribution Effects for Various Bolus Materials in Electron Conformal Radiotherapy
(2020)In this study, the effects of various bolus materials on dose distributions were compared in electronconformal radiotherapy (ECRT). Superflab, Super Stuff pink wax and Paraffin wax bolus materials areused with 15 MeV ...