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dc.contributor.authorNacak, B; Ozturk-Kerimoglu, B; Yildiz, D; Cagindi, O; Serdaroglu, M
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to highlight the utilization of gelled emulsion (GE) systems containing peanut and linseed oils to replace beef fat partially or completely in emulsified sausages. Total fat content was reduced by up to 40% and energy content was lowered by up to 27% in reformulated products. Saturated fatty acids and cholesterol were successfully decreased while noticeable increments were provided in mono and poly-unsaturated fatty acids in sausages containing GE. Moreover, the reformulation procedure presented a good potential for increasing n-3 content, while lowering atherogenicity index, thrombogenicity index, and n-6/n-3 ratios. Although the incorporated GE resulted in color and texture alterations, it was effective to improve the technological attributes in terms of emulsion stability and cooking behaviors. In GE added samples, oxidative stability of final products decreased; however sensory features were acceptable. Overall results pointed out that GE systems could be successfully conveyed to emulsified sausage formulations to ensure a healthier lipid profile with good technological and sensory quality.
dc.titlePeanut and linseed oil emulsion gels as potential fat replacer in emulsified sausages
dc.title.alternativeMEAT SCIENCE

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