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dc.contributor.authorÇelebi D,Yılmaz E,Şahin ST,Baydur H
dc.description.abstractBackground: and purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of music therapy on pain, anxiety, and patient comfort during colonoscopy. Materials and methods: This is a randomized, controlled, intervention study, which included 112 patients that underwent colonoscopy. The patients were randomized into the intervention group (n = 56) that was given 30-minute music therapy during the colonoscopy and the control group (n = 56) without any intervention other than routine nursing care. The data were collected using an information and observation form, the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: The pain and anxiety scores were lower in the intervention group whereas comfort score was higher than control group (p < 0.05). The pain and anxiety levels of the patients in the intervention group decreased after the colonoscopy and their comfort levels increased. Conclusions: The music therapy reduced pain and anxiety, increased comfort during colonoscopy. © 2019
dc.titleThe effect of music therapy during colonoscopy on pain, anxiety and patient comfort: A randomized controlled trial

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