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dc.contributor.authorÇanlı M,Keskin İÇ,Türemiş M,Sirin K,Katı Mİ
dc.description.abstractNanotechnology has become one of the most popular areas of interdisciplinary research. In the vast majority of nanotechnology applications, polymer-based matrices were used as the dispersing medium of nanoparticles. The combination of polymer–zeolite nanocomposite has the potential to come out with the advantages of polymers and zeolites while coping with the deficiencies of both materials. In this study, the synthesis and properties of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) composites with nanozeolite + Y2O3 are investigated. Polyethylene nanocomposite fibers containing nanozeolite + Y2O3 at 5% by mass using a melt extrusion method were composed in a laboratory type twin screw extruder. The thermal properties of the composite fibers were determined by analysis of both thermal gravimetric and differential thermal spectra. Their structural properties were enlightened by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared, and ultraviolet absorption. According to the results of X-ray diffraction tests, the samples contain crystals in semicrystalline and ? form. The mechanical properties of LDPE matrices increased with the addition of nanoparticles. In addition, radioluminescence properties of the polymer were also improved after composing with nanozeolite and Y2O3. © The Author(s) 2019.
dc.titleCharacterization and determination of thermal and radioluminescence properties of low-density polyethylene (LDPE)-(nanozeolite + Y2O3) composite

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