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dc.contributor.authorAslanbay Guler B,Deniz I,Demirel Z,Imamoglu E
dc.description.abstractThe unicellular green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis accumulates large amounts of the red ketocarotenoid astaxanthin. Aiming to cultivate these microalgae with high astaxanthin efficiency, cultivations were scaled-up from 1000 mL bottle to 2 L and 8 L airlift photobioreactor using volumetric power consumption rate (W/m3) as scale up strategy. After cultivations, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was used to investigate the flow patterns, mixing efficiency and gas holdup profile within the 2 L photobioreactor. At the end, astaxanthin content was enhanced with increasing the cultivation volume and highest astaxanthin amount of 49.39 ± 1.64 mg/g cell was obtained in 8 L photobioreactor. Hydrodynamic characteristics of photobioreactor was simulated and gas holdup showed difference between the riser and the downcomer regions. Velocity profiles of air and medium had higher values inside the draft tube than obtained in downcomer region. However liquid circulation was achieved from draft tube to the downcomer, mixing was not provided effectively considering the turbulence kinetic energy. For the further research, some developments about column configuration, sparger diameter may be necessary to enhance the mixing characteristics. © 2019 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan
dc.titleComputational fluid dynamics simulation in scaling-up of airlift photobioreactor for astaxanthin production

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