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dc.contributor.authorSerpil İNCE Kıvanç ÇEVİK Sevgi PAKİŞ ÇETİN Ömer TETİK
dc.description.abstractAim: The present study was performed at investigating the effects of cold gel pack applied to the sternum on thepain associated with deep breathing and coughing after open-heart surgery.Materials and Methods: The study sample included 46 participants. While the study data were collected, the“Patient Information Form” prepared by the researcher based on the pertinent literature was used to question thesociodemographic characteristics of the patients, the “Visual Analogue Scale-VAS” was used to assess the severityof the patient's pain, and the “Pain Monitoring Form” was used to record the patient's pain associated with deepbreathing and coughing exercises before and after cold gel pack application. Pain scores after deep breathing andcoughing were measured and compared warm (room temperature) (placebo) gel pack, with (intervention) andwithout (control) the gel pack.Results: The intergroup analysis showed that the difference between the experimental, control and placebo groupsin terms of their mean VAS scores obtained before the procedure and after the procedure was not statisticallysignificant. But in the experimental group; in terms of their mean VAS scores obtained before the procedure andafter the procedure was determined statistically significant.Conclusions: The results of this study showed that cold therapy is an effective method for management of sternalincision pain associated with coughing and deep breathing in open heart surgery patients
dc.titleEffect of Applying Cold Gel Pack to the Sternum Region on the Postoperative Pain after Open-Heart Surgery

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