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dc.contributor.authorAhmet Ali KUMANLIOĞLU
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the impacts of climate change on water resources are much more noticeable. In termsof sustainable management of water resources, it is important to identify drought occurrences in riverbasins and to identify drought trends. For this purpose, many drought indices have been developedin order to define the droughts quantitatively and Streamflow Drought Index (SDI) method isfrequently used to determine the hydrological droughts among them. In this study, hydrologicaldroughst of on Acısu, Selendi, Deliiniş, Demirci sub-basins and incoming total runoff to DemirköprüDam reservoir on the Gediz River were analyzed in monthly, quarterly, six-month and annual timescales.The total inflows of Demirköprü Dam reseroir trends were investigated at same time scales.Asa result of the study, it was determined that the all sub-basins runoff and incoming total runoff toDemirköprü Dam reservoir were affected from hydrological droughts for long periods and trends ofincoming runoff to Demirköprü Dam reservoir were towards the dry periods.
dc.titleHydrological Droughts and Runoff Trends of the Demirköprü Dam Reservoir Basin on Gediz River, Turkey

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