Investigation of Lignin as a Textile Fiber
Lignin is a substance that is in the state of waste in the forest industry and the paper industry, which isvery much in nature after cellulose. It is mentioned in the literature that lignin can be used as raw materialfor carbon fiber, which is a technical fiber, briefly used as a raw material of carbon fiber. Although ligninis such an important area of use, unfortunately, it cannot be effectively and adequately assessed, it isdestroyed by burning in the heat recovery units in factories. This is how lignin is used in the worst way,leading to environmental problems. This study aims to use lignin which is a waste for the paper industryas a renewable and sustainable resource for the textile industry. 11 lignin solutions and 4 Lignin-PolyvinylAlcohol blends were formed. Blends were pulled by the electrospinning method, and fiber spinnabilitywas investigated by a method that is similar to the melt spinning method solution. Obtained results aregiven in the table.
- TR - Dizin [3877]